Jeff Probe and Black Magic Setup

 The Jeff Probe is a simplified version of a Black Magic Debug probe and it uses the Black Magic Debug software to talk between the computer and the chip being programmed.

As of March 2023, the Jeff probe we bought from Sparkfun didn't have firmware that communicated with the Black Magic software, so we need to update it using a program called DFU-UTIL. On Linux, the package can be installed using your package manager, On Windows, you will need to find an EXE version and install the correct driver using Zadig.

Once DFU-UTIL is installed, download the current release of the Jeff Probe here: Unzip the file and go to firmware/blackmagic_fw folder in the terminal. The Jeff probe will need to be in DFU mode to program it. To enter this mode, hold down while you are plugging the probe into your computer. You should only see one green light.

Enter the following command, you may have to run it as sudo: 

    dfu-util --device ,1d50:6017 -s 0x00002000:leave -D blackmagic.bin

This will load the blackmagic.bin file onto the Jeff probe. It should say "File downloaded successfully" if it worked.

Next we will compile the Black Magic Server from the latest release found here, we want the full-source version:

To make the project, go into the src folder in the terminal and type the following command:

    make PROBE_HOST=hosted HOSTED_BMP_ONLY=1

To test the project and the Jeff probe works, plug in the probe and run ./blackmagic in the src folder of your Black Magic directory. If it says something along the lines of the following, everything worked and is connected.

Black Magic Debug App (for BMP only) v1.9.0-313-g6730405b


 Black Magic Probe (Native) v1.8.4 40F0CA42

Listening on TCP port: 2000


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